Friday, January 18, 2013

Go get your gadget on

Tech gadgets. Not really my area of expertise but I’m giving it a go for you guys. These are 3 tech toys that deserve some attention in 2013.

1. Futuristic glasses by Google

Going on sale early in 2013, these specs are scaring the sh*t out of me but fascinate me at the same time. Google invented glasses that show a image in front of your eyes by which you can connect to the internet through a Bluetooth connection with your phone. You can also take pictures or make videos with this device. So for the true social media addict, this must be heaven. I’m secretly hoping that it will go away soon.

2. The playbutton

A new, cool mp3 player in the form of a small button. What’s not to like? This button is particularly interesting because of its compactness and its fashionable potential. You can customize the looks of it yourself or just go for the Justin Bieber one. Classic.

3. The Hapifork

Dieters, beware! This interactive fork will tell you – by flashing lights and light vibrations – that you’re eating too much. You can connect this fork to a dashboard where you can monitor how many fork servings you’re taking per minute and other crazy stuff. This should make the dieter more aware of the amount of food they consume and at which speed. 

Most ridiculous: The iPotty

Maybe future parents will be super happy with this, but to me it has randomness written all over. This design will hold an iPad so that the toddler will be more willing to go potty. What will they come up with next? 

Krazy K.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Destiny not fulfilled

The craziest news popped up on my Twitter feed yesterday: Destiny’s Child is releasing a new album called ‘Love Songs’. Who is over-the-top amazingly happy with this? I am! I’ve been a DC fan for as long as I can remember and after their last album ‘Destiny Fulfilled’ I thought I would never see the day again that they would take the leap to make a new CD.

It will go on sale later this month, the 29th of January to be precise, and you can already pre-order it with Amazon. What to expect from this reunion? Probably some very cosy, romantic love songs. But hey, don’t we just love those?

They are survivors!

Krazy K.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back from being gone

After a month of sabbatical from my blog and sadly all my other work, I’m ready to get back on track. My resolutions for 2013 have been drawn up and these include more writing on the blog! Yay!

After two amazing weeks back in Belgium for the holidays, I’m now in London again and although I’m still re-adjusting to the big city, I already feel the energy gushing through my body. Get ready for some major amount of blog posts the coming weeks. I know a lot of people mostly read this blog to catch up on my journey in the UK, but I’m going to try to take a new, more professional approach to my blog starting with the next post. J

I hope you all had the time of your lives in 2012 and that 2013 will only get better and more awesome!

Krazy K.